
SWYNG Squash Open Tournament - Chennai

Sun, 11th Apr 04:30 am - Sun, 11th Apr 12:30 pm


Under 17 Boys
Type: round robin knockout
Fee: INR 500
Men's Open
Type: round robin knockout
Fee: INR 500




Smasher 3.0 Squash & Football Academy, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Elango Nagar, Kottivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


SWYNG Squash Open Tournament on Sunday 11 April 2021, at Smashers 3.0 Squash & Football Academy, 151, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Elango Nagar, Kottivakkam, Chennai.

The last date to register is Saturday 10 Apr 2021(12PM)

-Categories: Men's Open and Boys Under 17

-Maximum Participation: 32 players in each category

-Participation Fee: Rs. 500/-

-Format: Round Robin League cum Knockout. League within 4 or 8 groups of 3/4/5 players(basis number of entries) and the top player/team of each group will proceed to Knock-out Stage. Matches after the initial league round onwards are knock-out matches. League matches are played for the best of three 11 point sets and knock-out matches are played for the best of five 11 point sets.

-Finisher Trophies for the top 2 positions in both categories.

-Refreshments will be available for all participants

-The tournament starts from 10 AM onwards (tentatively)

- On-spot registrations will cost an additional Rs. 100 for singles entry. Accepting on-spot registrations is the organizer's discretion.

-The last date to register is Saturday 10 Apr 2021(12PM)

-Standard Squash rules are followed.

-Dunlop Pro Double Yellow Dot balls will be used.

-Referees and the organizer's decision will be binding.

-Fixtures & Schedules will be shared at least a day prior to the tournament day.

-It becomes extremely difficult to entertain individual requests for changes in the fixtures and matches schedule. So, let's avoid that. The fixture & schedule once published cannot be changed.

-SWYNG deserves the right to modify the dates/format for reasons beyond their control and will be duly communicated. SWYNG also deserves the right to modify/scrap a category/prize money depending on the participation count.

-All participants are responsible for their personal safety and by registering agree to the standard terms & conditions of any tournament.

  • The successful occurrence of the tournament is may depend on the orders in place by the authorities/governments managing COVID19.

COVID19 Precautions:

- The courts, center premises, seating area, washrooms will be thoroughly sanitized prior to the start of the tournament.

- The doorknobs & other high-frequent touchpoints will be sanitized periodically.

- All participants & others entering the center will be temperature screened.

- Matches will be scheduled staggered to avoid crowding.

- Hand sanitizers & hand wash liquids will be available as usual.

- Players are advised to exercise their personal safety precautions, observe their symptoms, carry their own water and sweat wipes.

Please reach out at 8444944441/9108475471 or write to <hello@swyng.in> for any queries or further information.