SWYNG Table Tennis Open Tournament on Sunday 19 January 2020, at Gopalan International School, Hoodi, Bengaluru.
Table Tennis:
- Categories : Men’s Singles , Men’s Doubles, Women's Singles, Mixed Doubles
- Participation Fee: Rs. 400/- for Singles and Rs. 600/- Doubles
- Maximum participation: 32 players(teams) for all categories.
- Format: Round Robin League cum Knockout. League within groups of 4 and the top 2 player/team of each group will proceed to Knock- out Stage. League matches are played for one best of three sets of 11 points and knock out matches are played for best of five sets of 11 points.
- Cash prize of Rs. 2,000 and Rs. 1,000 for champion(s) and runner(s) up in all categories. Medal for top 3 position & Certificate for all who qualify to quarterfinals.
- Event starts from 10 AM on wards (tentatively).
- Standard Table Tennis rules are followed.
- Stag Premium Plastic TT balls will be used.
- Fixtures & Schedule will be shared at least a day prior to the tournament day.
- Referees and the organizers decision will be binding.
- Fixtures & Schedule will be shared at least a day prior to the tournament day.
- It becomes extremely difficult to entertain individual requests for changes in the fixtures and matches schedule. So, let's avoid that. Fixture & schedule once published cannot be changed.
- SWYNG deserves the right to modify the dates/format for reasons beyond their control and will be duely communicated. SWYNG also deserves the right to modify/scrap a category/prize money depending on the participation count.
- All participants are responsible for their personal safety and by registering agree to the standard terms & conditions of any tournament.
Please reach out 8444944441/9108475471 or write to for any queries or further information.