

Sun, 24th Nov 04:30 am - Sun, 24th Nov 09:30 am


Mens 5A side
Type: round robin knockout
Fee: INR 3500




Active Arena, Munnireddy Layout, Panathur, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Announcing SWYNG Football FENOMENAL 5, a 5-A-Side Open Tournament Sunday, 24 November 2019, Sunday at Active Arena, Marathahalli, Bengaluru.

Last date to register is 20 Nov 2019

-Categories : Men’s 5 A Side.

-Maximum participation: 16 teams

-5 Players on a side, 3 rolling substitutes. Maximum 8 can register/participate in a team

-Participation Fee: Rs. 3,500/-

-Format: Round Robin League cum Knockout. League within groups of 4 and the top team of each group will proceed to play a knock out semi finals.

-League matches are played for 5 minutes each side with 1 minute break.

-Semi final matches are played for 10 minutes each side with 2 minute break.

-Final match is played for 15 minutes with 3 minutes break.

-Rewards: Cash Prize of Rs. 8,000 for the champions & Rs. 5,000 for the runners. Medals for all the finalists and a trophy for the champions.

-Last date to register is 20 Nov 2019

-Event starts from 10 AM on wards(tentatively)

-Standard Football rules are followed.

-Players should bring their own gear

-Fixtures & Schedule will be shared at least a day prior to the tournament day.

-Referees and the organizers decision will be binding.

-Fixtures & Schedule will be shared at least a day prior to the tournament day.

-It becomes extremely difficult to entertain individual requests for changes in the fixtures and matches schedule. So, let's avoid that. Fixture & schedule once published cannot be changed.

-SWYNG deserves the right to modify the dates/format for reasons beyond their control and will be duely communicated.

-SWYNG also deserves the right to modify/scrap a category/prize money depending on the participation count.

-Cash Prize money announced is for maximum participation i.e. draw of 16 and will be adjusted to participation count in case of lesser participation. It will be at 50% for participation of 8-12 teams and no cash prize for less than 8 teams.

-All participants are responsible for their personal safety and by registering agree to the standard terms & conditions of any tournament.

-*T&C applicable

Please reach out 8444944441/9108475471 or write to <> for any queries or further information.