Announcing SWYNG Badminton & Table Tennis Corporate Championship on Sunday 10 November 2019, at SWYNG Badminton Hoodi (Gopalan International School, Hoodi)
- Categories : Men’s Singles , Men’s Doubles, Women's Singles, Women's Doubles, Mixed Doubles
- Participation Fee: Rs. 600/- for Singles and Rs. 1000/- Doubles
- Maximum participation: 32 players(teams) for each category
- Format: Round Robin League cum Knockout. League within groups of 4 and the top player/team of each group will proceed to play quarter finals. Matches from quarterfinal on wards are knock out matches. League matches are played for one 21 point set and knock out matches are played for best of three 21 point set.
- Medal for all winners and runners up in all categories
- Event starts from 9 AM onwards (tentatively)
- Standard Badminton rules are followed.
- Yonex Mavis 350 shuttles will be used.
Table Tennis:
- Categories : Men’s Singles , Men’s Doubles, Women's Singles, Women's Doubles, Mixed Doubles
- Participation Fee: Rs. 600/- for Singles and Rs. 1000/- Doubles
- Maximum participation: 32 players(teams) for each category
- Format: Round Robin League cum Knockout. League within groups of 4 and the top player/team of each group will proceed to play quarter finals. Matches from quarterfinal on wards are knock out matches. League matches are played for one best of three sets of 11 points and knock out matches are played for best of five sets of 11 point set.
- Medal for all winners and runners up in all categories
- Event starts from 9 AM onwards (tentatively)
- Standard Table Tennis rules are followed.
- Stag Seam Plastic TT balls will be used.
Please reach out 8444944441/9108475471 or write to <hello@swyng.in> for any queries or further information.