Chandan: 8147352562
Harsha: 8310296903
This is a knockout tournament.
Single set of 21 points (golden point) quarters and semis single set of 30 points(golden point)
Mavis 350 shuttles will be used for the tournament provided by the organisers
1st place: 3000+trophy
2nd place:2000+trophy
Rules and regulations:
Only intermediate and intermediate+++ players are allowed to participate in the tournament.
Advanced,professional and ranking players are not allowed to participate in the tournament.
Any open tournament/intermediate open cash prize tournament winner's and runners are not allowed to participate if Found the team will be disqualified without refund.
Organisers and referee decision will be final.
Registrations Closes on 20th.
Cash prize will be reduced if entries are less.
Reporting time 9.45am